Friday, October 22, 2010

Exercise 32 - Answers to Exercise 31

Let's see how you did in Exercise 31.

Here are the answers to the questions from the previous blog

1. Ki kote Chelsea Clinton te marye? (Where did Chelsea Clinton get married?)
Answer: Chelsea Clinton te marye Rhinebeck, New York. (Chelsea Clinton was married in Rhinebeck, NY)

2. Nan ki vil prezidan Clinton te fèt? (What city was president Clinton born in?
Answer: Prezidan Clinton te fèt Hope. (President Clinton was born in Hope, Ark.)

3. Ki bò prezidan George H. W. Bush te fèt? (Where was president George H. W. Bush born?)
Answer: Prezidan George H. W. Bush te fèt Milton, Massachussets. (president George H. W. Bush was born in Milton, Ma.)

4. Nan ki peyi George W. Bush te fèt? (In what country was George W. Bush born?)
Answer: George W. Bush te fèt Etazini (U.S.). (George W. Bush was born in the US)

5. Ki bò prezidan Bill Clinton moun? (where is president Clinton from?)
Answer: Prezidan Bill Clinton moun Hope, Arkansas. (president Clinton is from Hope, Arkansas)

6. Nan ki eta yo te tire prezidan John F. Kennedy? (In which state did president John F. Kennedy get shot?)
Answer: Yo te tire li Texas.(He got shot in Texas)

7. Nan ki vil prezidan John F. Kennedy te fèt? (Where was president John F. Kennedy born?)
Answer: Prezidan John F. Kennedy te fèt Brookline. (president John F. Kennedy was born in Brookline, Ma)

8. Ki kote Obama yo rete? (where do the Obamas live?)
Answer: Obama yo rete Washington, D.C. (the Obamas live in ahington, D.C)

9. Ki bò JFK Jr ta prale lè li te mouri? (Where was JFK going when he got shot?)
Answer: Li ta prale Massachussets. (he was going to Massachussetts)

10. Nan ki eta New Haven ye? (In which state is New Haven?)
Answer: Li Connecticut.(It's in Connecticut.)
Since the next five questions and answers pertain to you - the answers will vary. So I will answer them as it pertains to me. But you can, of course, e-mail me if you want me to check your answers. Thanks. Be blessed.

Answers to personal questions from previous blog.

1. Nan ki vil ou te fèt? (In what city where you born?)
Answer: M te fèt Port-Au-Prince. (m te fèt Port-Au-Prince)

2. Ki kote ou moun? (where are you from?)
Answer: M moun Ayiti. (I'm from Haiti)

3. Ki bò papa ou moun? (Where's your father from?)
Answer: Papa-m moun La Colline, Ayiti. (my father's from La Colline, Haiti)

4. Nan ki eta ou rete? (In which state do you live?)
Answer: M rete Florida.  (I live in Florida)

5. Ki kote ou ta renmen rete?  (where would you like to live?)
Answer: M ta renmen rete Alaska. (i would like to live in Alaska)

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