Monday, January 24, 2011

Exercise 63 - Review of the possessive Adjectives

After reviewing the possessive nouns and possessive adjectives you may take an online test by clicking on the following links:

Other places to find more about possessive adjectives are LESSON 16 (2/19/2010 blog) and EXERCISE 25 (10/13/2010 blog)

1. Let's begin with the basics:
My car - machin mwen
My dad - papa m (the "m" is the contracted form of "mwen".  So "papa m" is the same as "papa mwen")
my book - liv mwen
your car - machin ou
your dad - papa ou or papa w
his car - machin li
our car - machin nou
our dad - papa nou or papa n
their car - machin yo

2.  Now let's move to the next level

My house - kay mwen
Important! - Sometimes a definite article is added after the possessive adjective like this:
My house - kay mwen an
The definite article can be omitted when using demontratives (this is, that is, these are, those are).
The definite article can be omitted when using nouns  in such a specific way that there is no way of having more than one: father, mother, grandpa, grandma, husband, wife, heart, etc...
My mother - Manman m instead of Manman m nan
My grandmother - Grann mwen instead of Grann mwen an
His grandfather - Granpapa li instead of Granpapa li a
Our father - Papa nou instead of Papa nou an
This is my luggage.  Sa se malèt mwen.
Those are my books.  Sa yo se liv mwen.
Very Important - You know that the Haitian Creole Language have about five definite articles: a, an, la, lan, nan.  Just follow the rules before you place them in a sentence.

his car - machin li an
your book - liv ou a
my uncle - tonton mwen an uncle - tonton m nan (follow the rules of the definite article)
our family - fanmi nou an
my friend - zanmi m nan
their child - pitit yo a
his brother - frè li a ... or...his brother - frè l la
his book - liv li a

3. Now let's make sentences with the possessive adjectives.
1. My book is red. - Liv mwen an wouj.
2. His car is small - machin li an piti.
3. My dad is sick - Papa m malad.
4. My uncle is here - Tonton m nan la.
5. Our school is far - Lekòl nou an lwen
6.  This is my mom. - Sa se manman m.
7. This is my shirt - Sa se mayo m nan. or you could also say: Sa se mayo m.
8.  This is my book - Sa se liv mwen an. or you could also say: Sa se liv mwen.
9. I understand your language - M konprann lang ou a.
10. Come to my house - Vini lakay mwen.
11. Come to my party - Vini nan fèt mwen an.
12. Come to my school - Vini nan lekòl mwen an
13. Come to their party - Vini nan fèt yo a.
14.  Come to her school - Vini nan lekòl li a.
15. My pencil is yellow. - Kreyon m nan jòn.
Learn more about Possessive adjectives at these links:
Possessive adjectives 2
Possessive adjectives 3


  1. I agree that this is a lot of work on your part, Mandaly. But what's the use? Why should I learn Creole when I could just as easily learn spanish?

  2. I think that you got to be motivated by your goals to learn a new language. There must be some previous interests, connections, or need to know that new language :)

  3. I never planned on learning Creole EVER, but a month ago I made a move (or rather God moved me to) participate in a medical missions trip to Haiti for ten days in late June - early July. Now learning Haitian Creole is my priority and goal. Doubtless we'll have translators, but how much more can I affectively help if I can actually communicate in their language?

    This IS a lot of work on your part, Mandaly. You're making an impact on a lot of lives out there; you have no idea. Thank you for all the hard work you put into this site. Bondye beni w!

    ~ Your faithful student

    1. Yes, you are right. You'll make a greater impact when you communicate on a 'personal' level with the people you help.

      Thanks for letting me know you're listening.

      I pray that God gives you a greater understanding of this language so you can connect to the Haitian people in their mother tongue.

  4. Four years later, and your efforts are still bearing fruit. Thank you Mandaly. I went to Haiti last year on a week long trip. I had learned a single verse in Creole for the trip (John 14:6), and God used that verse to show me the importance of connecting with the people in their own language. The kids' eyes lit up, and every time they saw me they would run up to me and say "Miss Rachel! Jan 14:6 - Jezi reponn li ...." and we'd say it together, with huge smiles on both of our faces. It occurred to me how insane it is that these kids in the tents were learning English to communicate with the missionaries that come, while we who go to minister to them are ignorant of their language, even a small bit of it! The Lord really laid it on my heart to learn Creole. He showed me this site when I returned from Haiti, and a little over a month ago reminded me and set me to work. So here I am :) I don't know when I'm going back, but I know I am someday, and I want to be ready. Thank you so much for your efforts - both on the blog, in your book, and with the videos on YouTube. The ripple effects of your labors will only be fully revealed in eternity, but know that the fruit is plentiful! Keep it up!

  5. Merci anpil pou ede m apran creole. M Creole zami yo di m ap apran creole pi bone.
