Friday, March 4, 2011

Exercise 70 - Progressive Form (Part 3)

Before you do this exercise, you must review Lesson 13, Lesson 14, Lesson 22 and Lesson 68

Past Progressive
1. Mwen te ap chante - I was singing
2. Li te ap danse  - she was dancing
3. Nou te ap pale - we were speaking
4. Tasha te ap ekri -Tasha was writing
5. Yo te ap mache - they were walking

"te" is the determiner for past tense in Haitian Creole
"ap" is the determiner for the progressive form.
In Haitian Creole both words  (te + ap) are contracted together to form "t'ap".  You'll see and hear it a lot in Haitian Creole.

Here I will rewrite the above sentences with the contracted form of te and ap, for that's what you'll see and hear more often.
1. Mwen t'ap chante
2. li t'ap danse
3. Nou t'ap pale
4. Tasha t'ap ekri
5. Yo t'ap mache

And since you reviewed Lesson 13, you know that the subject pronoun can also be contracted.
Here I will rewrite the first group of five sentences using contraction of the pronouns.
1. M t'ap chante
2. Li t'ap danse
3. Nou t'ap pale
4. Tasha t'ap ekri
5. Yo t'ap mache
Let's practice.  Using contractions of the pronouns and the determiners, translate the following sentences.
1. We were sleeping.
2. I was thinking
3. She was eating
4. Sheila was driving
5. he was reading
answers are given below.

1.Nou t'ap dòmi   2. Mwen t'ap panse  3.Li t'ap manje  4.Sheila t'ap kondwi   5.Li t'ap li.

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