Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Repel(s), repelled,country in the middle east,slaggish economy, thanxs you, are u sure, easier, can u send in the meaning of these words in creole.

repel ( to ward off, to send away) - pouse
repel ( resisting an attack) - reziste, goumen
repel (rise against, send away, force back) - revòlte

Repeal - revoke, anile

Country in the Middle East - peyi nan Mwayen Noryan
country - peyi
Middle East - Mwayen Noryan

Sluggish - move, tèt chat
sluggish economy - move ekonomi
sluggish ekonomi - ekonomi tèt anba (upside down economy)

I thank you - m remèsye w
to thank - remèsye

Are you sure - Eske ou sèten?

easier - pi fasil

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