Monday, April 25, 2011

Can you please define the expressions 'mezanmi' and 'amoushe?' Not sure of the correct spelling. thanks!

Mezanmi! is an interjection uttered when you are surprised, scared or shocked. It is synonymous with oh dear!, Oh my God!, oh no!. It may be used to convey a range of emotions.
1. you just found out that a good friend had suddenly died, you are shocked and say, "Mezanmi!"
2. You're walking in the woods and come upon a poisonous snake, you'd say, "Mezanmi!" and just split.
3. Your child just spilled chocolate syrup on your expensive white carpet, you'd say, "Mezanmi!"
Mezanmi also means, "my friends".
You come up onto a group of people that you know. You could say, "Bonjou mezanmi!" (Hello friends).

If speaking publicly, you could start your speech with, "Mezanmi,..." meaning, (my fellow people,...)
Ah monchè - is synonymous with 'come on, man!'  It conveys a persuasive emotion.

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