Friday, April 22, 2011

Haitian Creole for 'crucifixion and resurrection' - Does the Easter Bunny go to Haiti? - Do we do the Easter Breakfast in Haiti? Is there any Easter Egg Hunt in Haiti?


kwa a
Creole version:  live

English version:

Sung by Pierre Gardy Fontaine

Crucifixion - Krisifiksyon

Resurrection - rezirèksyon

cross - kwa

He rose from the dead. - Li leve soti nan lanmò

Jesus is the Christ. - Jezi se Kris la.

He's alive. - Li vivan.

He was nailed to the cross. - Yo klouwe li sou kwa a.

He died for our sins. - Li mouri pou peche nou.

The Easter Bunny
The Easter Bunny is not a tradition in Haiti.

Traditional Easter Breakfast
Traditional Easter Sunday food is white rice, dry white beans, any kind of bird, and beet roots at dinner time.

Easter Egg Hunt
The Easter Egg Hunt is not a tradition in Haiti.

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