Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Alone: Isolated, Unattached, Unmarried, By oneself

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Alone - sèl
Mwen sèl - I am alone.
Eske ou sèl? - Are you alone?

Alone - Pou kont + pronouns
↓                ↓                      ↓            ↓
I'm alone. - M pou kont mwen.
He's alone - Li pou kont li.
You're alone. - Ou pou kont ou.
They're alone. - Yo pou kont yo.

1.  Eske ou pou kont ou?
     Eske ou sèl?
     Are you alone?

2. M pou kont mwen.
    I'm alone

3. Map viv pou kont mwen.
    I live alone.

4.  Li fè tout sa pou kont li.
     He did all this on his own.

5..  M pa gen mari. M sèl.
     I don't have a husband.  I'm alone.

6.  M pa gen madanm. M sèl
     M pa gen madanm.  I'm single.

7. Eske ou ka fè sa pou kont ou?
    Can you handle this on your own?

8.  Li kite timoun yo pou kont yo.
     He left the kids on their own.

9.  Lè nou pou kont nou, nou pè.
     When we're alone, we get scared.

10.  M renmen rete pou kont mwen.
     I love to be by myself.

11.   Li leve timoun yo pou kont li
        She raised the kids all on her own.

12.  Ou pa ka fè sa pou kont ou.
        You can't do this alone

Enben, se tout, mèsi, e orevwa!
Well, that's all, thanks, and goodbye!

Track: Katie Went To Haiti by Russ Lorenson

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