Monday, June 13, 2011

books teach different forms of the future Kreyol tense markers as pral ,va, a I believe pral is the correct long version, va is the passive form but i think "a" is a shortened form of pral, as in N'a we pita. or M'a rele w pita. am I correct???

In "N'a wè pita", "N'a" is the short version of "Nou va" → we will

In "M'a wè ou", "m'a" is the short version of "M'ava"I will

So, "y'a vini" is short for "yo va vini"they will come

And, "l'a pale" is short for "l'ava pale"he/she will talk.

"Pral" is a short version of "prale" → which comes from "pral ale" and means "going to or going to go"
M pral chante demen - I am going to sing tomorrow.
Li pral repoze pita. - He's going to go get some rest later.
Nou pral manje ansanm. - We're going to eat together.

"al" is a short version of "ale" → which means to go.
Li al travay - She went to work
M'a al gade pou ou. - I'll go look for you.
N'a al tann ou. -
We'll go wait for you.

Sometimes, you will also hear "ap" → which belongs to the progressive form family.
M'ap rete tann ou. - i'll be waiting for you.
L'ap kontinye lapriyè - She'll continue to pray.
N'ap kontinye kwè - We'll continue to believe
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