Sunday, August 28, 2011

Wedding video - Possible French/Creole songs for Haitian Wedding video. (I think I erased your question by mistake)

Sorry, I erased your question by mistake.

For a romantic wedding video, a few popular Haitian and French singers come to mind:

Mwen Renmen w by Yanick Etienne
Se Ou by Jacques Sauveur Jean
Merci by Ansy Dérose
Aimer by Frédéric François
I love you/Je t'aime by Frédéric François
La paloma (French version) by Mireille Matthieu
Plaisir d'Amour by Mireille Matthieu
Pot Pouri Pour Flirter by Bémol Telfort (album Smooth)
Je n'ai pas changé (instrumental version) by Julio Iglesias

This is a short list because a lot of the Creole Romantic songs are not available on the mainstream market.


  1. You're amazing, thank you so much!

  2. I just stumbled upon your site. Tremendous job you're doing, Mandaly. I applaud you. Kenbe la trè fò. Thank you for recommending my song "Mwen Renmen-w" for possible wedding videos. Blessings.

    Yanick Etienne

  3. Yanick Etienne! It's a privilege and honor.
    "Mwen Renmen w" is a beautiful Creole Rendition.
    Pitit o! Si ou te konnen konbyen moun kap fè lanmou ak chante sa, ou ta sezi!
    Mwen espere poste tit chante ou la ankò sou sit la ou 14 Fevriye 2012 si Dye vle. Ma byen di moun yo ke yo ka jwenn li nan Amazon. Paske se la mwen te achte kopi pa m nan.
    Kontinye chante toujou!
    Gow kout chapo pou ou!
