Monday, September 26, 2011

How would a daughter show her love to her father on his birthday? Any special traditions in Haiti? Any special words she could say to make him feel extra special?

Birthdays are always special in Haiti. Haitians are mostly grateful for another year in their life. They usually wish for health and prosperity.
Most Haitians celebrate their birthdays, just like here in the US, by having a party with lots of traditional foods and drinks. They accept gifts too.

They usually sing two types of birthday songs:

Bonne anniversaire
Nos voeux les plus sincères
Que ces quelques fleurs vous apportent le bonheur
Que l'année entière vous soit douce et legère
Et que l'an fini, nou soyons tous réunis
Pour chanter en choeur, "Bonne anniversaire!"


Bonne fète à toi
Bonne fète à toi
Bonne fète, bonne fète
Bonne fète à toi

This second song is sung to the English Happy Birthday tune. And you may sing it in Creole by adding the person's name at the end as follows:

Bònn fèt (name of person)
Bonne fète (name of person)
Bònn fèt, bònn fèt
Bònn fèt (name of person)

Finally, you may wish him:
Bònn fèt!
Happy birthday!

Mwen swete ou long vi, sante, e kè kontan.
I wish you a long life, health, and hapiness.

That's special enough.

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