Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What are some Complimentary and Derogatory expressions in Creole?

What's the occasion?


  1. Like, say you want to compliment somebody who has done something nice. And also, if you want to insult someone who has done you wrong.

  2. Say that, your child has really done a good job on his math test and he had really studied heard for it. To praise him for a job well done in Creole, you may say:

    Felisitasyon! → congratulations!
    Bon travay! → Job well done!
    Ou byen fè! → You did well!
    Ou fè bon travay → You did a good job.
    Mwen kontan ak ou. → I'm proud of you.
    Bravo! → Well done!
    Kontinye konsa → keep it up!

    As far as "insult" is concerned, I think I'll probably call this "redirection". You may then say:
    Mwen gen konfyans wap fè pi byen pwochèn fwa.
    I know you'll do well next time.

    Li pa bon konsa, esaye yon lòt fason.
    It doesn't work this way, try another.

    Esaye bi byen pwochèn fwa.
    Try harder next time.

    Mwen ankouraje w pou travay pi di.
    I encourage you to work harder.

    But if you intended to truly "insult" and call them names, down in the damps they'll go.

    Hope everything works out. Thanks :-)
