Sunday, September 25, 2011

What is one of your favorite poems in Creole?

Well, I have a great time reading the works of Paul Laraque, Johnny Bélizaire and Félix Morisseau-Leroy.
I recently read and memorized “rekòlt” and “Se yon rèv” from Johnny Belizaire.
But my all-time favorite Creole “literary works” are from the following talented people:
Paul Laraque - He is the grandpa that sits by the fire to tell a tale in prose.
Manno Charlemagne - His lyrics can be controversial, but they are a dose of truth.
Maurice Sixto - He tells it as he sees it. But he sees what no one else sees.
Edwige Danticat – She is the girl next door in Haiti, whom you meet years later in a foreign country, and she takes you back to that time of “lontan lontan”.
Jacques Roumain – I will always be grateful for his work “Gouverneurs de La Rosée”. I very recently read Maude Hertelou’s Creole adaptation.

The Creole books I'm reading now are Agasya by Emile Celestin-Mégie, and M ap Viv Toujou by Evelyne Nacier
Here’s a link where you’ll find many Creole poems.

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