Friday, October 28, 2011

Is Haiti the poorest country in the Hemisphere?

You know, I question this statement every time I hear it.
How many decades or centuries has it been since Haiti was given this title?
If you take a camera and you point it to all the devastated places in Haiti, then all you see is devastation, misery, and poor people.
Sure, unemployment rate is high.  And, it doesn't help that money acquired by the wealthy in Haiti doesn't stay in the country.  It goes to a foreign bank.
The small amount of tax collected in the country is diminished considerably by the time it reaches its destination.
The larger monetary supply that enters the country when the diaspora financially support their family doesn't make it to Haiti's banks either.
Haiti, in my opininon, is not the poorest country in the hemisphere, but it is the most poorly managed country in the hemisphere.

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