Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Is there any way you can help me to understand the lyrics to Gade'm La Toujou byTibob De Nazareth. It's a very popular song in Haiti right now. I would like to know at least the chorus to the song, if possible. I can't seem to find them anywhere.

Malgre mizè mwen pase
Gade m la toujou
Tou glwa pou bondye
Gade m la toujou
Look I'm still here
In spite of all the hard times I went through
Look I'm still here
All glory to God
Look I'm still here

Mwen vivan toujou
Malgre mizè mwen pase
Mwen vivan toujou
Tout glwa pou Bondye
Mwen vivan toujou
I'm still alive
In spite of all the hard times I went through
I'm still alive
All glory to God
I'm still alive

Men m anlè toujou
Malgre mizè mwen pase
Men m anlè toujou
Tout glwa pou Bondye
Men m anlè toujou
My hands are still up (May also be translated as: "I'm still on top")
In spite of all the hard times I went through
My hands are still up
All glory to God
My hands are still up

M’ap chante toujou
Malgre mizè mwen pase
M’ap chante toujou
Tout glwa pou Bondye toujou
M'ap chante toujou
I'm still singing
In spite of all the hard times I went through
I'm still singing
All glory to God
I'm still singing

M’ap danse toujou
Malgre mizè mwen pase
M’ap danse toujou
Tout glwa pou Bondye
M'ap danse toujou
I'm still dancing
In spite of all the hard times I went through
I'm still dancing
All glory to God
I'm still dancing
Ask me anything


  1. Ou ka tande chante a nan

  2. Wi se sa. Mèsi zanmi m. M'ap ajoute yon link.
