Wednesday, October 26, 2011

look, look at, look for, look into, look up

to look at → gade
Look at me
Gade m.

I can't look at it.
Mwen pa ka gade l.

To look for → chache
Help me to look for it.
Ede m chache l.

I found what I was looking for.
Mwen jwenn sa mwen t'ap chache a.

to look out → fè atansyon, pran prekosyon
Look out!

Be on the look out.
Fè atansyon.

Look into → envestige, pran ransèyman sou
I'll look into it.
Ma va pran ransèyman sou sa.

Let's look into this together.
An nou envestige sa ansanm.

Look up → gade anlè, leve tèt
Run, don't look up.
Kouri, pa gade anlè.

If you look up, you'll see it.
Si ou leve tèt ou, wa wè li.

Look up to → respekte, admire.
I looked up to her.
Mwen te respekte li.

I can't believe he did that. They looked up to him.
Mwen pa ka kwè ke li fè sa. Yo te respekte li.


  1. you look very beautiful
    you look great
    you look very seductive

  2. You look beautiful. → Ou bèl.
    You look great. → Ou anfòm. or Ou chèlbè. or Ou anpenpan.
    You look very seductive. → Ou atiran. / Ou trè atiran.
