Monday, October 24, 2011

What's your Creole word for "Faded", "discolored", " dull or bland"

Blaze (pronounced blah-zay)
washed up
used up
wiped out

You can't wear this shirt to the interview.  It's too washed up.
Ou pa ka mete chemiz sa pou al nan entèvyou a.  Li twò blaze.


to lose color
to lose luster

It's time to replace this flag.  Its color has faded.
Li lè pou ranplase drapo sa.  Koulè li fennen.

She is like a faded flower.
Li tankou yon flè ki fennen.


to lose color
to rub off on
to influence

Do not wash this blue shirts with other clothes.  Its color will run.
Pa lave chemiz ble a ak lòt rad.  Koulè li ap detenn.

When you spend too much time in the company of corrupted people, sooner or later they rub off on you.
Lè ou pase twò tan ak moun koronpi, anvan yè yo detenn sou ou.

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