Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Hope (v.), hope (n.) in Creole

to hope → espere
I hope.
Mwen espere.

I hope you get better.
Mwen espere ou fè mye.

I hope so.
Mwen espere sa.

I hope not.
Mwen pa ta espere sa.

I hope you're not lying to me.
Mwen espere ou p'ap ban m manti.

I hope to see you again one day.
Mwen espere wè ou ankò yon jou.

Hope (n.) - espwa, esperans
There's still hope.
Gen espwa toujou.

You got to have hope.
Fòk ou gen espwa.

Don't give up hope.
Kontinye espere.
(literally: keep hoping)

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