Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I see that you have translated "as soon as" as "menm kote", is there another translation for it?

As soon as → menm kote, menm lè, osito, sito, imedyatman, dèke

As soon as the rain stops, we'll leave.
Menm kote lapli a rete, n'ap kite.

As soon as the Holiday season's over, I'll come home.
Imedyatman sezon fèt la pase, m'ap vin lakay.

Call me as soon as the books come in.
Rele m dèke liv yo vini.

The dogs started barking as soon as the door bell rang.
Chyen yo te koumanse jape sito pòt la te sonnen.


  1. can you say "kou" for "as soon as"? such as "Kou mwen finn bwe kafe mwen, m a pale ave w." "As soon as I finish drinking my coffee, I will talk to you."
