Monday, November 7, 2011

Using "Tèt kale" as an expression in an everyday conversation

Tèt kale means ball head, but it's als an expression that means :  totally, completelypremium quality, perfectly, thoroughly, exclusively, with no problem

1.  We're going to a party.  We'll eat until we're stuffed.
     Nou prale nan yon fèt.  Nap manje tèt kale.

2.  Let me fix your roof.  I'll give you more than a perfect job.
     Kite m repare twati kay la.  M'ap ba ou li tèt kale.

3.  She does a good job.  She cleaned the house so thoroughly!
     Li fè bon travay.  Li netwaye kay la tèt kale ban mwen!

4.  I have premium merchandise.  Come check it out.  It's the best!
     Mwen gen bon machandiz.  Vin wè l non.  Se tèt kale!

Other Creole synonyms used in this same way as tèt kale: kòrèkteman, karebare, rèdchèch, nòmalteman, sanpwoblèm


  1. W'ap mete pase genyen.
    (Can u plz explain , I can get it.)
    kamsa hamnida

    1. W'ap mete pase genyen.
      You are putting more than there is.
      So... it means:
      You're putting more than there should be.
      to read between the lines, or to exaggerate
