Tuesday, November 15, 2011

ki mo yo di nan pale kapwaz yo ki diferan de moun nan lwes

You'll know right away that you're speaking to a Northerner by their style of enunciation.
Here's a few examples about the difference in the Creole vocabulary between North and West.

This is FYI only.

pa'm (west Haiti)
kinan'm (North)

fè a repase (west Haiti)
Kawo (north)

His car
machin li (West Haiti)
machin a li (North)

your dress
rad ou a (West Haiti)
Rad w la (North)

my child
pitit mwen (West)
pitit an mwen (North)

word endings
Why did you do it?
Poukisa ou te fè li? (West Haiti)
Poukisa ou te fèy? (North)

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