Thursday, December 29, 2011

If i were a bird, i could flap my wings to give GOd glory. If i were a tree i would sing my branches to give GOd glory. Im not a tree and Im not a bird, but with my hands I will give GOd glory.

Yes, it’s a very short song

Si m te zwazo, mwen ta vole
Ak zèl mwen yo m’ap bay Bondye glwa
Si m te pye bwa, m ta balanse
Ak branch mwen yo m'ap bay Bondye glwa
Mwen pa zwazo, mwen pa pye bwa
Ak men mwen yo m’ap bay bondye glwa
Ak pye mwen yo m’ap bay Bondye glwa

Mèveye, Mèveye, Sovè mwen mèveye
Wonderful, wonderful, my savior is wonderful
Mèveye, mèveye, Sovè ou mèveye
Wonderful, wonderful, savior you're wonderful
Mèveye, mèveye, Jezi ou mèveye
Wonderful, wonderful, Jesus you're wonderful

Jezi ou merite glwa
Jesus you're worthy of glory
Pou m ba ou glwa
To give you glory

Jezi ou merite vre
Jesus you're truly worthy
Pou m ba ou glwa
To give you glory

El shaddai ou merite vre
El Shaddai you're truly worthy
Pou m ba ou glwa
To give you glory

Sovè mwen merite vre
My savior is truly worthy
Pou m ba ou glwa
To give you glory

There's also another Creole song (Michael Benjamin's Si m te gen zèl)  which is somewhat similar to the one above.  Truly beautiful lyrics by Renond

audio button may pause to learn lyrics

Vole, vole...
fly, fly...

Vole, vole keyi zetwal nan syèl
fly, fly, gather the stars in the sky
Vole, m ta vole...
Fly, I would fly...

Si m te gen zèl,
I I had wings,
tankou yon zwazo, m ta vole, al keyi zetwal nan syèl.
like a bird, I would fly , to gather stars in the sky
Si m te lapli,
If I were the rain
Mwen ta jete dlo, pou m wouze flè k pouse anba solèy.
I would drop water to spray the flowers growing under the sun
Si m te lajwa,
If I were joy.
M ta antre nan kè, tout malere pou yo kapab jwenn lespwa.
I would enter the heart of the unfortunates to give them hope.
Si m te lanmou,
If I were love
M ta met ajenou, devan Bondye pou lèzòm kabab sispann goumen.
I would kneel before God so that humanity would stop fighting
Yo ta renmen.
They would love

M ta fè tout mòn blanch yo rebwaze,
I would reforest the barren hills
Tout sous ki seche, rekòmanse koule,
All dried up springs, start flowing again
Si m te gen pouvwa pou mwen chanje,
If I had power to change
Tout sa m dezire.
Whatever I desire
Mwen ta bani tout trayizon,
I would bannish all treason
Tout sa ki malad ta jwenn lagerizon,
All the sick would find healing
Tout sa ta pwouve saj yo te gen rezon.
All that would prove the wise were right

M' ta fè tout sa k' grangou jwenn manje,
I would give food to the hungry
Sa k' nan lesklavaj, ta va jwenn libète,
The captives would go free
Si m te gen pouvwa pou mwen chanje,
If I had power to change
Tout sa m dezire.
Whatever I desire
Mwen ta fè tout zam tounen jwèt,
I would turn weapons into toys
Move zentansyon, santiman disparèt,
corrupt intentions and ambitions disappear
Si m te ka chante pou m chase mechanste
If I could sing to chase away naughtiness


  1. i've often heard this hymn ended with another song that i don't know...maybe you can help?

    it starts with
    "mel-vel-yer, mel-vel-yer, oh.... mel-vel-yer...
    (spelled phonetically because im not sure of how it's written)

    san Jezikri...

    ou merite poum ba ou glwa. poum ba ou glwa.

    sorry, it's a little vague, but if you know it that'd be great.

  2. Yes, I just added that part to the post.

    In this song, like in many others, Haitians do a lot of ad libitum in there:

    Mèveye, mèveye, sovè ou mèveye
    Mèveye, mèveye, sovè mwen mèveye
    Mèveye, mèveye, Jezi ou mèveye

    Ad lib:
    Jezi ou merite glwa
    Pou m ba ou glwa

    Jezi ou merite vre
    Pou m ba ou glwa

    El Shaddai ou merite vre
    pou m ba ou glwa

    Sovè m ou merite vre
    pou m ba ou glwa

    So they add to the song any of these many names of God as they worship.
    I am also adding the translation to the song within the above post.

  3. Meveye meveye sove-m nan meveye
    Langaj mwen pa sifi poum destiné
    San jezi Sam ta ye
    Kounye-a mwen sove langaj mwen pa sifi
    Poum destiné
    Jezu ou merite
    Poum ba ou tout glwa
    Le'ternel out merite
    Poum ba out tout glwa
    El shaddai out merits
    Poum ba out tout glwa
