Monday, January 23, 2012

because of / thanks to

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Bonswa tout moun! Hello everone!
Kouman nou ye? How are you?

because of  (as a result of) akòz (from French: A cause de)
because of (as a result of ) → poutèt
Thanks to (with the help of, as a result of) → gras a, granmesi

1. Se akòz ou menm mwen vini jodi a.
    Se poutèt ou menm mwen vini jodi a.
    It's because of you that I've come today.

2. Yo revoke li akòz maladi li a.
    Yo revoke li poutèt maladi li a.
    He/She was fired because of his sickness.
In this sentence the passive voice in English is translated as an active voice in Creole.

3. Li te mouri akòz sa nou te fè.
    Li te mouri poutèt sa nou te fè. 
    He died because of what we've done.

4. Akòz neglijans manman an timoun nan te tonbe malad.
    Poutèt neglijans manman an timoun nan te tonbe malad.
    Because of the mother's carelessness the child fell ill.

5. Eske w'ap kriye akòz sa ki pase a?
    Eske w'ap kriye poutèt sa ki pase a?
    Are you crying because of what happened?

Thanks to (with the help of) granmesi, gras a

6. Tansyon mwen desann gras a remèd e yon bon rejim.
    Tansyon mwen desann granmesi remèd e yon bon rejim.
    My blood pressure came down thanks to medicines and a good diet.

7. Ane pase mwen te san kay, men gras a yon zanmi, mwen pa't dòmi nan lari..
    Ane pase mwen te san kay, men granmesi yon zanmi, mwen pa't dòmi nan lari.
    Last year I was homeless, but thanks to a friend, I did not sleep in the streets.

8.  Mwen gen lajwa gras a lanmou Li.
    Mwen gen lajwa granmesi lanmou Li.
    I have joy thanks to His love.

9.  Mwen la gras a ou menm.
     Mwen la granmesi ou menm
     I'm here thanks to you.

10.  Mwen trè byen gras a Dye*.
       Mwen trè byen granmesi Bondye*.
       I'm very well thanks to God.

Enben, se tout.  Mèsi e orevwa.
That's all.  Thanks and godbye.

Dye is God (literally)
Bondye is good God (literally)

Track:  Jezi, Ou Merite Tout Glwa by Jubau Group

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