Sunday, January 29, 2012

paske mwen anba san anyo ali effacer tout pechem yo......yo pa pre isitpaske m anba san anyo ado you have the complete lyrics to this song?

I wish I had a better audio for this popouri (medley). But, here it is.
The song you're looking for is the third one from the popouri.
You may fast foward to find it.
Also the lyrics are included here.

*Note:  In Haitian worship songs, you will find a lot of "ad libs".  It is not uncommon for Haitians to add the names of people they wish to pray for in their worship songs, since the song is a prayer to them. 

So you'll find that the worship leader adds people's names in the song (his family, acquaintances from the church, etc...)


An nou ale lakay yaweh
An nou ale lakay Yaweh (3 fwa)
Let's go to Yaweh's house
Pou n’al rakonte L pwoblèm nou yo
To go tell Him our problems

Men nou rive lakay yaweh (3 fwa)
Here we are at Yaweh's house
N’ pral jwenn solisyon pou pwoblèm nou yo
We're going to find a solution to our problems
Ad lib:
Nou pral jwenn solisyon pou pwoblèm nou yo.
We're going to find a solution to our problems.

O wi! sa pral mache
O wi! sa pral mache
Oh yes! it is going to be ok
Paske Kris o kouran
Because Christ is aware
L’ap aji pou mwen,
He will act on my behalf
Pwoblèm mwen yo nan men L.
My problems are now in his hands

Mwen kache m anba san anyo a
Mwen kache m anba san anyo a
I'm hidden (sheltered or covered) under the blood of the Lamb
Mwen jwenn sekirite kont tout plan mechan yo
I have found security (or shelter) against the plans of the wicked
Konplo sou do m yo, yo p’ap reyisi
The plots made on my back will not suceed
Mwen kache m anba san anyo a
I'm covered under the blood of the Lamb.
(3 fwa)
Ad lib
Konplo sou do m yo, yo p’ap reyisi
The plots agaisnt me will not succeed
Mwen kache anba san anyo a
I'm sheltered under the blood of the Lamb
Baka dèyè m yo, yo pa ka jwenn mwen
The evil who's after me won't get me
Mwen kache  anba san anyo a
I'm sheltered under the blood of the Lamb

Ad lib
Pitit mwen kache, anba san anyo a!
My children are covered under the blood of the Lamb!
Legliz la kache, anba san anyo a!
The church is covered under the blood of the Lamb!
Dam misyonè yo kache, anba san anyo a!
The missionary women's group is covered under the blood of the Lamb!
Lajenès, kote w kache? Anba san anyo a!
The youth, where are you sheltered? Under the blood of the Lamb! 
Sèvant Bondye, kote w kache? Anba san anyo a!
Servants of God, where are you sheltered? Under the blood of the Lamb!
Dyab la pa ka manje m, anba san anyo a!
The devil  can't get me under the blood of the Lamb!
Mwen di, Pastè Phillip kache, anba san anyo a!
I say, pastor Phillip is covered under the blood of the Lamb!
Pastè Lochard kache, anba san anyo a!
Pastor Lochard is covered under the blood of the Lamb!
Pastè Jonatas kache, anba san anyo a!
Pastor Jonatas is covered under the blood of the Lamb!
Ou ba bezwen kriye, anba san anyo a!
You don't need to cry under the blood of the Lamb!
Ou pa bezwen plenyen, anba san anyo a!
You don't need to complain under the blood of the Lamb!
Pastè Mireille kache, anba san anyo a!
Pastor Mireille is covered under the blood of the Lamb!
Pastè Jonatas kache, anba san anyo a!
Pastor Jonatas is covered under the blood of the Lamb!
Evangelis Toussaint, anba san anyo a!
Evangelist Toussaint is under the blood of the Lamb!
Frè michèl kache, anba san anyo a!
Brother Michel is covered under the blood of the Lamb!
O wi! legliz la kache, anba san anyo a!
Oh yes, the church is covered under the blood of the Lamb!
Dam Misyonè kache, anba san anyo a!
The women's missionary group is covered under the blood of the Lamb!
Sè Carine, kote w kache? Anba san anyo a!
Sister Carine, where are you sheltered? Under the blood of the Lamb!
Dyab pa ka manje m, anba san anyo a!
The devil can't get me from under the blood of the Lamb!
Ènmi pa ka atenn mwen, anba san anyo a!
The enemy won't reach me under the blood of the Lamb!
Nou pa ka gen anyen, anba san anyo a!
Nothing will happen to us under the blood of the Lamb!
Pastè Ben kache, anba san anyo a!
Pastor Ben is covered under the blood of the Lamb!
Sony kache, anba san anyo a!
Sony is sheltered under the blood of the Lamb!
Konplo sou do m yo, yo p’ap reyisi
The plots against me will not succeed
Mwen kache anba san anyo a!
I'm sheltered under the blood of the Lamb!


  1. Thanks for posting this! I've always wanted to sing the lyrics of this song.

    I have a question. On the third song (mwen kache anba san anyo a), during the first verse, what are the words that the sinnger is saying? Is he speaking in tongue?

  2. No, he's not speaking in tongue. He's urging the congregation to worship.
    He spoke twice at the beginning of the third song. And this is what he's saying:
    Menm si enmi an ap fè konplo sou do w nan travay la, kote ou ye a Amen!
    Even if the enemy is plotting against you at work, or wherever you are amen!

    Adore Bondye avèk nou legliz Betani Maranata!
    Worship God with us church of Bethany Maranatha!

  3. Thanks so much for this!

  4. good job!!! ke Bondye beniw

  5. where can i find other Haitian worship song lyrics though?

    1. There are a lot of them scattered throughout youtube. Just be sure you type lyrics after your search words.
      There are some sites for Creole Lyrics to worldly music, but I haven't found one dedicated to Christian Haitian music lyrics yet other than the Chantdesperance online.
      God bless.

  6. Kache Mwen Anba San Zel Ou covre mwen anba men


    1. Kache mwen anba zèl ou,
      Kouvri mwen anba men pisan ou;

      Lè vague yo move, loraj gronde, wap mone avè'm anlè tèt yo.
      Papa'm gen kontwòl sou tampèt yo;
      M'ap ret trankil m'konnen ou an chaj;
      M'ap ret trankil m'konnen ou an chaj"

  7. Trying to learn haitian creole any suggestions

    1. Best recommendation is to take a class in your area or online. See for online classes or independent learning via online modules.
      The second thing you can do is to befriend one or two people with whom you can have basic Creole conversations.
      And listen to Haitian Creole audio/video materials online or on the radio.

  8. Replies
    1. Do you ask question about songs anywhere or is their a specific spot to ask questions

  9. Theirs this song for little kids that go lundi sa nou vle and start naming food to eat during the rest of the week.. do you know the rest of the lyrics

  10. Very nice,I enjoy it.may God bless you and your family abundantly.
