Friday, January 27, 2012

Tout tan, toutan, toutotan, tout bon?

Tout tan → all the time, regularly, constantly, continually

Nou manje nan restoran sa tout tan.
We eat at this restaurant all the time.

Se tout tan l'ap fè sa wi!
He/ She does that all the time.

Mwen wè ou gen yon tous tout tan.  Fòk ou wè yon doktè pou sa.
I see you have a constant cough.  You must see a doctor about it.

Tout bonreally, truly, honestly, without a doubt

Mwen renmen w tout bon wi.
I truly love you.

Se tout bon?
Is it true?

Wi, se tout bon.
Yes, it's true.

Li malad tout bon.
She's really sick.

Toutan, toutotan (also Hatian Creole depi)→ as long as

Toutotan ou toujou marye ak nèg sa, ou p'ap pwogrese.
As long as you're still married to this man, you won't make any progress.

Toutan ou pa peye m, mwen pa prale.
As long as you don't pay me I will not leave.
I will not leave until you pay me.

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