Sunday, January 29, 2012

wap ?

W'ap (or wap) → contracted form of OU AP, where "ou" is the subject pronoun "you" and "ap" may indicate a progressive form or the future tense.

Ou ap manje.
W'ap manje.
You're eating.

Ou ap chante pou nou jodi a?
W'ap chante jodi a?
You're singing for us today?

Fò m'ale kounye a . Ou ap salye papa w pou mwen.
Fò m'ale kounye a.  W'ap salye papa w pou mwen.
I must leave now.  You will greet you father for me.

"ap" in Haitian Creole progressive forms
"ap" in the Haitian Creole Future tense

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