Sunday, February 26, 2012

"left" as in 'She's been left behind.' and 'How many do you have left'?

That's two different verbs here (in creole).

to be left behind → kite, abandone, lese

She's been left behind.
Yo kite l dèyè.

We left it on the porch.
Nou kite l sou galeri a.

They left the kids on their own.
Yo kite timoun yo pou kont yo.

left (remain v.), left over) → rete

How many do you have left?
Konbyen ou rete?

Is this all that's left?
Se tout sa ki rete?

They took all my money.  I have nothing left.
Yo te pran tout lajan mwen.  Mwen pa gen anyen ki rete.

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