Thursday, February 23, 2012

Until → jis, jiska, jiskaske, jouk, jous, jouska , jouskaske

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Bonswa tout moun!
Hello everyone!

Kouman nou ye?
How are you?

M espere tout moun trè byen.
I hope that everyone is doing well.

Untiljis, jiska, jiskaske*, jouk,  jous, jouska , jouskaske*

1. Nou te danse jouk kò nou te fè n mal.
    Nou te danse jiskaske* kò nou te fè n mal.
    We danced until our body hurt

2. Li te mache jouk li te bouke.
    Li te mache jiskaske* l  te bouke.
    She walked until she was tired

Until as To/till
3. Chak jou yo te travay depi maten jouk aswè.  Men yo pa't janm peye yo.
    Every day they worked from morning till night.  But they were never paid.

4. Biwo a ouvè depi nevè jouk senkè nan apremidi
    The office is open from nine to five in the afternoon.

5. Yo te gade mandyan an depi nan tèt jouk nan pye, e yo pa’t ba li anyen.
    They looked at the beggar from head to toe, and they gave him nothing.

Until as Down to
6. Mwen te mouye jouk nan zo lè mwen te mache nan lapli a.
    I was drenched to the bone when I walked in the rain.

7. Tout moun dwe prezan nan reyinyon an, depi pi gran an jouk pi piti a.
    Everyone must be present at the meeting, from the oldest to the youngest.

Until - As far as
8. Fanmi an te tèlman dezespere, yo t’al wè yon doktè jouk nan peyi Lachin
   The family was so desperate, they went to see a doctor all the way to China.

9. Zette abite Philadelphia, men chak maten l’al travay jouk New Jersey.
    Zette lives in Philadelphia, but each morning she goes to work all the way to New Jersey.

Until as Up till, up to
10. Peyi a toujou menm.  Jouk jounen jodi, bagay yo pa janm chanje .
      The country is still the same.  Up to today, things have never changed.

11. Jouk kounye a, mwen te panse li te toujou New York
     Up until now I thought she was still in New York

12. Jouk jounen jodi a, li pa janm pale avè m.
     To this day, she’s never talked to me.

 Until the time, until the day 
13 Li pa't janm pale ankò jouk jou li te mouri
      She never spoke again until the day she died.

14. Ti bebe a te kriye depi lè l leve jouk lè l’al dòmi.
       The baby cried from the time he woke up till the time he went to sleep.

Enben se tout. Mèsi, e pase yon bon jounen.
Well that's all,  Thanks, and  have a good day.

*jiskase or jouskaske is used as a conjunction since it means "until the time that"

What about jiska and jouska?  Are there instances where you can't use them?
Well since the words jiska and jouska end with a vowel, I would only recommend that you avoid using them in front of words which begin with a vowel.

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