Thursday, March 29, 2012

'Chak kou ou vini' - 'Each neck you come'? Doesn't make any sense. Thoughts?

You're right it does not make any sense, because Creole 'kou', here, means 'time'.

Kou, kon, kòm → as, as soon as, like, as well as, when, time
chak kou / chak kon / chak fwa → every time, each time

Chak kou li vini, li toujou pote pen Ayisyen.
Every time he comes, he always bring Haitian bread.

Mwen te vole kou yon zwazo.
I flew like a bird.

Granmoun kou timoun dwe prezante.
Adults as well as children should be present.

Kou papa l pati, li koumanse fèt la.
As soon as his dad left, he started the party

Kou → a strike, a blow
Bay kou → to hit, to deal a blow, to afflict
Li ban m yon kou.
She hit me.

Pa ba l kou.
Do not hit her.

Vòle sa yo ban m yon kou. Yo devide kont bankè mwen.
These crooks dealt me a blow.  They emptied my bank account.

Kou → course, a session, curriculum
Kou Kreyòl la va dire twa mwa.
The Creole class will last three months.

Kou → neck
Mwen gen kou fè mal.
I have neck pain.

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