Thursday, March 29, 2012

"Sèk" -- For me, "circle" has an "r" sound that "dry" doesn't, but "sèrk" doesn't seem right. Thoughts?

None of the Creole words "sèk" have an "r" or "r" sound.
You will definitely hear the "r" from people who are used to saying "cercle" in French.
So whenever you hear that "r" in "sèk", please know that it's the French in them talking :)

sèk (Sèch, chèch) → dry
sèk → circle, clan, entourage, company
sèk → suddenly, right then and there

Gòj mwen sèk. Mwen bezwen yon ti dlo.
My throat is dry. I need some water.

Ann fè yon sèk pou n priye.
Let's form a circle in order to pray.

Mwen pa vle fè pati nan sèk ou.
I don't want to be part of your clan.

Machin te kanpe sèk.
The car stopped suddenly.

Li t'ap jwe nan lakou a.  Men lè li te wè chen an li te kanpe sèk, epi li tanmen kouri.
She was playing in the yard.  But when she saw the dog she stopped suddenly, then she started running.
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