Friday, March 30, 2012

'On the way' as in: They're on their way. or It's on its way.

on the way → nan wout.

They're on their way.
Yo nan wout.

It's on its way.
Li nan wout.

I'm on my way.  Be patient.
Mwen an wout.  Pran pasyans.

The package is on its way.  I mailed it yesterday.
Pake a nan wout.  Mwen te poste li yè.

The kids are on their way.  They left two hours ago.
Timoun yo nan wout.  Yo te kite dezè d'tan pase.

The team is on its way.  Their bus left at 10.
Ekip la nan wout.  Bis yo a te kite a dizè.

On the way to... → Sou wout

We were on the way to Arcahaie when it started raining.
Nou te sou wout Lakayè lè li te koumanse fè lapli.

They were on their way home when they decided to head back.
Yo te sou wout lakay yo lè te deside tounen.

He was on his way to work when he got the call.
Li te sou wout travay li lè li te resevwa apèl la.

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