Friday, April 6, 2012

How do you say: This is, It is, and That is?

this is / that is
Sa se
Sa (if verb to be 'se' is not required

That is true.
Se vre.
Sa se vre.

This is how we do it.
Se konsa nou fè l.
Sa se konsa nou fè l.

This is baloney!
Se tenten!
Sa se tenten!

This is the only way.
Se sèl fason an.
Sa se sèl sè fason an.

This is broken.
This one is broken.
Sa a kase.

On the phone:
Hello, this is John. Can I talk to your mom?
Alo, se John. Eske m ka pale ak manman w?

It is
Li (if 'se' is not required)

It is good.
Li bon.

It's done.
Li fini.

It's broken.
Li kase.

It's beautiful.
Li bèl.

It is a hat.
Se yon chapo.

It is a boy!
Se yon gason.

It's a beautiful house.
Se yon bèl kay.

It's weird.
This is weird.
Sa dwòl
Se dwòl

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