Tuesday, April 3, 2012

In lesson 15 one of the answers to the practice problems is "Li di m la verite". In what instances whould the definite article precede the noun like this?

Actually the word is laverite or verite truth.

It is not a Haitian Creole article that precedes it in this sentence. It is a French def. article which appear in many Haitian Creole words. See this link: http://sweetcoconuts.blogspot.com/2012/03/sometimes-it-looks-like-definite.html

To add a Haitian Creole article to this word, you would say: laverite a or verite a (the truth)

Li di laverite.
Li di verite.
Li di la verite a.
Li di verite a.
all the above translates : He/she tells the truth.


  1. Thanks so much! That makes a lot of sense!

    ~ Your faithful student
