Monday, April 30, 2012

Se..., Sa..., Se Sa!

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Bonswa mezanmi!  Kouman nou ye?
Hello friends!  How are you?

Se - is the verb to be
Se-  can be a Neutral Pronoun too (neutral or impersonal pronouns represent an unspecified subject)
Se - It’s, This is, That’s, He’s, She’s

For example
1.  It's a joke.
     Li se yon blag.
     Se yon blag.
    Se” represents an unspecified subject.

2. Hello, it’s me Rachel.
   Bonjou, se mwen Rachèl.
   Bonjou, se mwen menm Rachèl.

3. Se te yon plezi.
     It was a pleasure.

4. Se te yon bèl kantik ou te chante jodi a.
     It was a beautiful hymn that you sang today.

5. Se  lalwa.
    It’s the law.

6.  Se konsa li ye
   That's how it is.
   "Se" → That is

7.  Se chwa pa’w.
    It’s up to you.

8. Sa bèl.
     It's beautiful.

Sa will be the neutral demonstrative pronoun that you will use as a subject pronoun with verbs other than the verb to be.

9. Sa fè mal.
    Li fè mal.
    It hurts.
   Cannot say: Se fè mal.

10. Sa ta fè m anpil plezi.
     Li ta fè m anpil plezi
     It would please me very much.
11.   Sa p'ap deranje m.
        Li p'ap deranje m.
         It will not bother me.

When Creole speakers ask questions with 'SE'

12. Se kijan w rele?
    It is how,  you are called?
    What is your name?

13. Se ki moun ou ye?
    It is who,  you are?
     Who are you?

14. Se kisa w'ap fè la?
      It is what,  you're doing here?
      What are you doing here?

15. Se kouman ou ye menm?
      Se kouman ou ye la?
      It is how,  you are doing?
      So, how are you?

Enben mezanmi, se te tout pou jodi a.  Mèsi anpil e n’a wè.
Well friends, that was all for today.  Thanks a lot and see ya.

Track: Pouvwa Lapriyè by group Alleluia

Anpil wòch va woule lè nou priye (2 fwa)
Ak la fwa wòch va woule lè nou priye
Bondye toujou tande rèl pitit li

Anpil chenn va kase lè nou priye (2 fwa)

Ak la fwa chenn va kase lè nou priye
Bondye toujou tande rèl pitit li

Lè n priye bwate mache, avèg yo wè
Lè n priye pòt syèl louvri, gras tonbe
Lè n priye lapenn ale, lajwa vini
An’n priye, an’n priye

Anpil pòt va louvri lè nou priye (2 fwa)
Ak lafwa pòt va louvri lè nou priye
Bondye toujou tande rèl pitit li

Toujou tande…
Toujou tande rèl pitit li…

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