Monday, April 2, 2012

YOUN ak LÒT → each other, one another

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Bonjou mezanmi!  Mwen salye nou tout.  Kouman nou ye?
Hello!  Greetings to all.  How are you?


YOUN one

Mwen gen youn - I have one
Ban m youn. - Give me one.

For indefinite article, use YON

Yon kay - a house
Yon liv - a book

Some Haitians still say:  Youn kay (a house), Youn liv (a book), Youn moun (a person)


1. An nou youn ede lòt.
   Let us help each other.

2. Nou youn bezwen lòt, pou n kapab siviv.
    We need each other , in order to survive.

3. Joujou ak Cameau se de bon zanmi.  Youn aji byen ak lòt.
    Joujou and Cameau are two good friends.  They treat each other well.

4. Depi premye jou yo te rankontre a, youn te tonbe pou lòt.
    Since the first day they met, they fell for each other

5. Si w mete gode yo youn sou lòt, y’ap kole.
    If you stack the cups one on top of the other, they’ll get stuck.

6. Pwoblèm yo te vini youn apre lòt.
    Pwoblèm yo te vini youn dèyè lòt.
    The problems came one after the other.

7. Yo te padone youn lòt.  Se sa’k fè yo tout te kontan.
    They forgave one another.  That’s why they were all happy.

8. Nou aprann nan men* youn lòt.
    Nou aprann youn nan men lòt
    We learn from one another.
    *nan men means from
    Mwen aprann nan men w. → I learn from you.
    Mwen resevwa l nan men w. → I receive it from you.

9. Respè yo genyen youn pou lòt, se bèl bagay.
    The respect they have for one another is a beautiful thing.
    Respè pou

10. Tout bagay te vin byen lè yo te koumanse pale youn ak lòt .
      Everything became well, when they started to speak to one another.
     Everything fell into place, when they started to speak to one another.
    Pale ak

11. Leve kanpe se youn, men koumanse mache se yon lòt koze
     To stand up is one thing, but to start walking is a different story.

Se tout pou jodi a.  Mèsi.  E mwen swete nou anpil lanmou pandan semèn sent lan.
That's all for today.  Thanks.  And I wish you lots of love during the Holy Week.

Listen to the beautiful Creole Lyrics of this song :)

Tout lanmou sa  by Genesis for Him

Dèfwa mwen leve lè maten
Mwen di m’a gen tan priye
E lè mwen retounen leswa
Mwen di m twò fatige
Men sa mwen pa wè, etan m’ap mache
Se zanj ou, ou voye
Pou gide pa mwen, pou m pa tonbe
Ala m pa merite.

Tout lanmou  sa a
Ou gen pou mwen
Mwen pap janm ka konprann
Pouki ou renmen m.

Dèfwa ou chita  nan yon kwen katye
Ou mande m degouden
Mwen pase  m gade, epi m’ale
Avèk pòch mwen byen plen
Men sa mwen bliye
Ke se ou  k’ ban mwen tout sa mwen posede
Mwen pa vle peye dim ak ofrann
Ala m pa merite

Si ou te egoyis
Menm jan avèm
Mwen ta gen tan mouri
Pou bagay ke mwen konnen mwen fè
Ak tout sa w’asepte
Malgre tout inikite mwen yo
Ak tout sa m renmen
M’ap di ou mèsi pou chak jou
Ou toujou padone m.

Mwen vle chanje pou m ka merite
Tout lanmou sa ke ou gen pou mwen

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