Thursday, May 31, 2012

How do you say 'boy' in Creole

boy - gason, ti gason, bonòm, ti bonòm
son - pitit gason

See link:  Family members


  1. Mandaly?? Ah shaka de yah. Koumanm'ap fè
    yon puos za kwesyon lan d'pon blòg pa'w la??
    pardon m pou ekri sa a de yah se yon zafè men m pa konne kote ki ka fè mande kwesyon lan

    1. Bonswa Shaka.
      Mèsi pou tout kesyon ak kòmantè ou yo. Mwen apresye yo.
      M'espere tout bagay byen pou ou.
      Toujou kontinye ak Kreyòl la.
      Pase bòn nuit.

  2. Shaka . Wi tout ap byen yah. Pase bon nwi

  3. I am not Haitian but I have a man who is from Haiti and I want to learn the language so I can understand and learn to speak it. He speaks english also but I think he feels more comfortable speaking creole plus I luck the language also. This is very help for me to learn and use my words. I have taken creole classes in the past. I want to learn so I can speak and understand fluently
