Tuesday, May 22, 2012

"Jesus, all for Jesus. All I am and have and ever hope to be. All of my ambitions hopes and plans I surrender these into your hands. For it's only in your will that I am free." for a retreat Thank you! We'll sing it in english/but want them to undstnd

Jesus, all for Jesus.
Jezi, tout pou Jezi.
All I am and have and ever hope to be.
Tout sa mwen ye, sa mwen genyen, e sa mwen ta vle ye.
All my ambitions, hopes and plans,
Tout anbisyon, lespwa, ak plan mwen yo
I surrender these into your hands.
Mwen lage sa yo nan men ou.
For it's only in your will that I am free
Paske se sèlman nan volonte ou mwen gen lalibète


  1. Hi, your blog really touches me, have been reading it for a while... Just wanted you to know about a website i started ReadYourBiblesChurch.com... It's a place for Bible study guides.. I also put a forum in that can be viewed from a mobile device.. I couldn't find where to contact you privately so I'm commenting, hope that is okay. :) God Bless!

    1. Thanks for letting us know about your website ReadYourBibleChurch. I'm sure it'll be an inspiration to many :)

