Saturday, June 23, 2012

M fék koute chante alfabèt kreyòl la epi m'ap eseye kounye a kalkile diferans la ant 'o' epi 'ou'. Lè m itilize lét sa yo pou eple yon mo m pa ka koute yon diferans. Èske ou ta eksplike plis pou mwen diferans la?

o is pronounced like the sound of o in the English words go, slow, no
ou is pronounced like the sound of oo in the English words  too and boo
Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference (a work in progress at this time)


  1. Mèsi anpil pou reponn ou. Men m gen yon lòt kesyon pou ou. Si let la 'o' son tankou 'o' landan mo angle 'go' a kisa ki diferans la ant 'o' epi 'ò'? M'ap mande ou pakse pafwa lè m pale ak yon moun m bezwen eple pou li yon mo ki m fèk pale pakse li pa konprann mwen. Donk, lè ou eple yon mo kijan ou pale 'o' epi kijan ou pale 'ò'?

    1. Dakò zanmi'm :)

      O (without the accent) is pronounced like the English "o" in go, slow, row, bowl

      Ò (with the accent) is pronounced like the English "o" in corpse, fort, sort, port

    2. Ah! Mèsi anpil anpil! M resi konprann!

    3. Dakò zanmi'm. Mwen kontan pou sa!
