Thursday, June 7, 2012

We organize coffee growers in the remote areas of Haiti and sell their coffee in the US. We give them 100% of the profits to improve their living standard. currently that is about $5 US/LB. It is all about relationship. My question is: We are changing the name of our coffee. Now it is Kafe Lespwa. The choices are: Kafe Solidarite Ayiti, Kafe Ayiti, or Kafe Solidarite. Do you have a preference? or a suggestion?

Oh my! That's a challenging question (for me).
It is a great thing that you are doing with these coffee growers.

If you are selling this coffee abroad, I think Kafe Solidarite Ayiti might be a little bit  lengthy, but that name seems to say a lot about the 'history' of your coffee.  I can get used to it :)

Kafe Ayiti would be my first choice.  Haiti is reputable for its premium coffee.
I don't know about Kafe Solidarite.... If i was buying coffee based solely on BRAND NAME, I would buy it for the location it's grown or for what the name says it can do for me, like KAFE WAKE ME UP! or something like that :)

I wish you much success with all the wonderful things you're doing in Haiti.  You have three great choices that would market your product really well, especially with Haitians who are always ready to support the growth of their country.
Do let me know how everything turns out.

Mèsi e chapo ba!

Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference (a work in progress at this time)

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