Tuesday, June 12, 2012

whats the meaning of 'rete'

Rete can mean to stop, to pause, to rest
Rete machin nan!
Stop the car

N'ap rete la pou yon moman.
We'll rest here for a moment.

Poukisa nou rete fim nan?
Why did you pause the movie?

Rete can mean to remain, to survive, to be left over
Se sa sèlman ki rete.
This is all that remains.

Konbyen ze ki rete?
How many eggs are left?

Rete can mean to reside, to dwell, to abide
Se la mwen rete.
That's where I live.

Ki kote ou rete?
Where do you live?

See link on how you can use RETE, KANPE, and SISPANN to mean STOP ni English

Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference (a work in progress at this time)

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