Sunday, July 15, 2012 family .... (various circumstances)

My family's doing well thanks to God
Fanmi'm trè byen grasadye.

How's your family?
Kijan fanmi ou ye?

When will you see your family?
Kilè w'a wè fanmi'w?

Don't you miss your family?
Eske ou pa sonje fanmi'w?

I'll bring my family with me too.
M'ap mennen fanmi'm avè'm tou

When will I meet your family?
Kilè mwen va fè konesans ak fanmi'w?

You should let your family know about this as soon as possible.
Ou dwe kite fanmi'w konnen sa osito ke posib.

As soon as possible plito ke posib, leplito ke posib, osito ke posib
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