Tuesday, July 10, 2012

what is the difference between deske/leske/puiske/paske

deske (on the account that) because, since 
1.  Mwen remèsye'w dèske ou te tann mwen.
     I thank you on the account that you waited for me.
     I thank you since you waited for me.

2. Mwen kontan deske ou te vin wè'm.
    I'm happy on the account that you came to see me.
    I'm happy since you came to see me.

lòske (is synonymous with , in Haitian Creole) → it means when
It comes from the French lorsque which means when.
1.  Lòske yo rive, w'ava rele'm.
     When they arrive, call me.

2.  Mwen va eksplike ou tout bagay lòske nou rive lakay.
     I'll explain everything to you when we get home.

puiskesince (when it means seeing that....)
1. Mwen prale pou kont mwen puiske ou pa vle ale.
     Seeing that you don't want to go, I'll go on my own.
    I'll go on my own since you don't want to go.

2.  Puiske nou pa gen okenn kesyon, nou va tèmine reyinyon an.
     Seeing that you don't have any questions, we will end the meeting.
     Since you don't have any questions, we will end the meeting.

paskebecause (for the reason that)
1. Mwen te ba ou liv la paske ou te bezwen li.
    I gave you the book, because you needed it.

2.  Li renmen li paske li dous.
     She likes it because it's sweet.
Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English Words

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