Thursday, August 30, 2012

M' renmen Kreyol Ayisyen. M’ te fè Kreyol pastan mwen è te sispann tout lòt yo ki mwen te gen. Mèsi pou ap fè blog sa. Se trè avantaje!

Mèsi anpil :)
Mwen kontan tande sa.
Sa fè'm plezi pou tande Kreyòl la se pastan ou.
M'espere ou anmize ou anpil lè w'ap aprann lang sa.
E m'espere ou va jwenn kèk bon zanmi Ayisyen pou pratike pale tou.

M'ankouraje ou pou kontinye konsa.
Chapo ba!

Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English Words


  1. Can you translate the Haitian National anthem
    to English ?

    1. You should be able to find it in French, English, and Creole at this wikipedia link:

      The site has the following translation:

      "For our country,
      For our forefathers,
      United let us march.
      Let there be no traitors in our ranks!
      Let us be masters of our soil.
      United let us march
      For our country,
      For our forefathers.

      For our forebears,
      For our country
      Let us toil joyfully.
      May the fields be fertile
      And our souls take courage.
      Let us toil joyfully
      For our forebears,
      For our country.

      For our country
      And for our forefathers,
      Let us train our sons.
      Free, strong, and prosperous,
      We shall always be as brothers.
      Let us train our sons
      For our country
      And for our forefathers.

      For our forebears,
      For our country,
      Oh God of the valiant!
      Take our rights and our life
      Under your infinite protection,
      Oh God of the valiant!
      For our forebears,
      For our country.

      For the flag,
      For our country
      To die is a fine thing!
      Our past cries out to us
      Have a strong soul!
      To die is a fine thing,
      For the flag,
      For our country."

    2. Where are the translation for the part;
      "Sa Tousen, Desalin, Kristof, Petyon " ??

    3. These are the names of some Haitians ancestors:
      Tousen is Toussaint (for Toussaint Louverture)
      Desalin is Dessalines (for Jean Jacques Dessalines)
      Kristòf is Christophe (for Henri Christophe)
      Petyon is Petion (for Alexandre Petion)

  2. 감사합니다. from all Korean in Haiti !

    감사합니다 means "Mesi" in Korean

  3. 감사합니다
    You can learn Korean how to say thank you.
    감사합니다(kamsa ham nida)
    Have a nice day !

    from all Korean in Port au Prince

  4. Can you post more audio lessons ?


    1. Yes, I will do that soon.
      Do you have any subjects that you'd like to see on audio?

  5. For conversational style ( not like the Kangnam Style)
    for every day routine, like weather, buying experinces,
    using taxi, at a restaurants, at church, and Bible study, . .
    . . . etc. 감사합니다(kamsa hamsida = mesi anpil )

    1. What does dako mean ?

    2. Dakò, here, means Okay, yes

      Dakò as a verb means to agree, to be in accord, to be in good terms, to consent

      Eske ou dakò?
      Do you agree?

      Wi, mwen dakò.
      Yes, I agree.

      Eske tout moun dakò avèk sa?
      Does everybody agree with this?

    3. By the way, I'll start working on a series of audio conversations and post them soon :)

    4. 감사합니다 (=Mesi )
      (kamsa hamnida)

  6. Yon elèv pa pifò pase mèt li; men yon elèv ki fini nèt, l'ap fò tankou mèt li.
    ( Can you explain "net" here above ?)
    Kamsa hamnida

    1. Yes. A very beautiful sentence...

      nèt → fully, completely, totally

      "Yon elèv pa pifò pase mèt li; men yon elèv ki fini nèt, l'ap fò tankou mèt li."
      "A student is not more knowledgeable than his master; but a student who finishes completely, he will be as knowledgeable as his master"

  7. Kamsa hamnida ( 감사합니다 in Korean)

    Nan lavil sa a, yon kaptenn lame a te gen yon domestik li te renmen anpil. Domestik sa a te twouve l' malad prèt pou mouri.
    ( Can you explain "prèt" ?)
    Mesi anpil !

    1. "Prèt pou" (or Près Pou) → almost, on the brink of, practically, on the verge of

      Here are some examples of the usage:

      Kay la prèt pou tonbe.
      The house is on the verge of collapsing.

      Madanm mwen malad. Li prèt pou mouri.
      My wife is sick. She's on the verge of death.

      Lajan m pa anpil. Li prèt pou fini.
      My money is not much. It's almost run out

      "Nan lavil sa a, yon kaptenn lame a te gen yon domestik li te renmen anpil. Domestik sa a te twouve l' malad prèt pou mouri"
      In that town, an army captain had a servant whom he liked a lot. The servant became ill, almost on the brink of death.

  8. Can u plz let me know
    how to type accent mark on e, o, a etc ?

  9. é = alt + 130
    è = alt + 138
    ò = alt + 149
    à = alt + 133

  10. mesi anpil
    (감사합니다 = kamsa hamnida )
