Thursday, September 27, 2012

what does fe'm kado'w mean?

Is this from Carimi?
In this song, it seem to mean "Give yourself to me"

Fè kado means to give, to give a gift (where the object will be placed betwee and kado)

1. Fè'm kado (contracted)
    Fè mwen kado (not contracted)
    Give me

2. Fè'm kado yon ti dlo.
    Give me some water.

3. Nou te fè yo kado yon $20.00.
    We gave them $20.00

4. Mwen te fè legliz la kado yon machin.
     I gave the church a car.    
     I gave a car to the church.

5. Li te fè'm kado yon bekàn pou fèt mwen.
     He gave me a bike for my birthday.

6.  Misye te fè menaj li kado yon bag pou twazyèm anivèsè yo.
     He gave his girlfriend a ring for their their anniversary. 

7. Fè'n kado prezans ou.
    Give us your presence.
    Bless us with your presence.
     Grace us with your presence.

Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English Words


  1. This site is so helpful!!!! I am Haitian-American and unfortunately my parents only spoke English with my siblings and I. I want to go to Haiti and learn as much Creole as possible before going. Thank you!
