Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Regarding previous post about "lavichè", is there another way to say "hardship"?

hardship (as in poverty?) → povrete, lavi di, zafè pa bon, boukannen dlo, bat dlo pou fè bè

We fell into hardship. (Is that correct in English :-\ ?)
Nou te tonbe nan povrete.
Nou te tonbe nan boukannen dlo.
Nou te tonbe nan lavi di.
Nou te tonbe nan zafè pa bon.

hardship (as in distress, suffering, trials) → zeprèv, difikilte, peripesi, tribilasyon, tray, traka

We will get through the hardships and trials in our lives.
Nou va andire difikilte ak zeprèv yo nan lavi nou.
Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English Words

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