Saturday, December 22, 2012

Eske ou gen kek fraz Kreyol pou montre kouman itilize mo PARE? I get it when people say ESKE NOU PARE. I think I get PARE KO OU or PARE BOUDA OU, but can you still use them in a sentence TANPRI? Mesi!

In sentences #1 & #2, pare men means to ready your hand, to extend your hand in order to receive something.
1. Lè yo rive bò kot tiyo a, yo pa't gen gode, men yo te pare men yo pou pran yon ti dlo pou bwè.
2. Lè touris la te met men nan pòch li, tout pòv nan lari a te gentan pare men yo.  Yo te panse li ta pral ba yo lajan.

In sentence #3, pare lapli means to wait the rain out, to take shelter from the rain.
3. Mwen p'ap gentan rive nan estasyon bis la, se sa'k fè m'ap pare lapli a kay zanmi m nan.

In sentences #4, #5, #6, & #7, pare means to ready, to get ready, to get your act together, to make arrangement
4. Mezanmi, ekonomi peyi pa bon. N'ap viv nan tan difisil. Pare kò nou pou sa k'ap vini.
5. Lè bis la te rive nan estasyon an, tout moun te pare lajan yo depi anvan yo te monte.
6. Medam, pral gen anpil bèl mizik nan fèt la aswè a, pare kò nou pou n danse jouk solèy leve.
7. Lè Fanfan te kraze bèl po flè manman l la, li te konnen l'antrave.  Se pousa li te pare bouda l pou l pran baton.

In sentences #8 & #9, pare kou means to block a punch or a strike.
8. Boksè a te pare chak kout pwen oponan l nan te voye.
9. Si w pa konn pare kou, ou pa konn goumen.
Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English Words

1 comment:

  1. Would love to have the English translations of these sentences!
