Sunday, December 23, 2012

I tried to translate Manno Charlemagne's Organizasyon Mondyal from the video, but much of it didn't make sense. Could you translate it for me? Barry

Òganizasyon mondyal yo
World organization
pa pou nou yo ye.
are not for us.
Sa la pou ede volè yo piye, devore
It's there to help the crooks pillage and devour
lè pèp ki nan di, "pran fizi!"  yo
when the people who say, "take your weapon!"
konnen yo bouke
know that they are burned out
lamedsin entènasyonal sa met kò l sou kote
International medicine organizations bow out

yo fè reyinyon
they have meetings
yo pale, yo ranse
they talk, they babble
devan vè chanpay, bon dive k enpòte,
with champagne glasses, good imported wine,
se la sa rete
it doesn't go farther than that
Lè pèp anba zam
when the people are under siege
tout peyi, tout kote
all country, everywhere
mwen renmen tande zòt k ap analize
i just love to hear others put in their ideas
lè l pa konsène
when they're not concerned

tout sa moun pa vle tande se verite li ye
Everything that people don't want hear is truth
reyaksyonè sou-devlope yo, sa pi danjere
amateurish revolutionists are more dangerous
lè enterè yo menase
when their interest is threatened
se yo k toujou rele
it's them that call
Tout fòs entèvansyonis yo
all the opposing strengths
pou pèp ki soulve
for a people that have risen

laklas dominant entèlijan ke l ye
the dominating class, smart as they are
an prensip, konnen ke l anminorite
know very well that they are the minority
L konn kijan pou l jwe
they know how to play the game
pozisyon de klas di se sa ki konte
social status says that's what counts
L a fè l enposib, l a kraze,  l a brize
they'd make impossible, they'll destroy, they'll demolish
pou l elimine
to eliminate
timoun ki nan ze
kids that are hatching in eggs

N ap goumen jouk mayi mi
we'll fight until corn is ripe (jouk mayi mi = forever)
jouk tan nou libere
until we're free
pran konfyans nan lit lòt pèp yo
take strentgh in the perseverance of the others
ki pa pè tonbe
who are not afraid to perish
delivrans yo se jefò yo nan san ki ap koule
their deliverance is their effort in the blood that spills
grenn doktè ta vle preskri yo
the pills that doctors want to prescribe to them
voye sa jete
They ditch it 

N ap voye yon sali
we send a salute
pou tout pèp k ap lite
for all people who are fighting
anpil konpliman pou tout moun ki tonbe
hats down to all who have fallen
pou koz libète
for the cause of freedom
pou chyen Ayisyen k ap di yo kiltive
And, for the Haiitan dogs who say they are cultivated,
k ape fè komès ak mizè refijye
who's making a business of the misfortune of refugees
nan inivèsite,
at universities,
nou voye yon plòt krache
we send a ball of spit

Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English Words

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