Friday, December 21, 2012

Is "okenn" always used in sentence with "pa"? Would not this be a double negative as in French?

Most of the times "okenn" is comfortably paired with "pato translate none, no, any
You know, Kreyòl se Kreyòl e Franse se Franse.
So, you'll always find sentences like these:

1. M pa gen okenn konpasyon pou li.
    I don't have any compassion for him.

2. Li  pa'tokenn moun nan kay la.
    She saw no one in the house.

3. Pa gen okenn bagay ki ka fè'm pè kounye a.
    There's nothing can scare me now.
But, there are many instances where "okenn" is used without "pa" in a sentence.
Some examples:

4. Anvan ou marye okenn fanm, ou dwe chache konnen fanmi l.
    Before you marry any woman, you must seek to know her family.
5. San okenn esperyans, mwen pa wè kouman ou pral jwenn dyòb sa a.
    With no experience, I don't see how you will get this job.

6. Eske gen okenn moun ki konnen ki jou jodi a ye?
    Does anyone know what today is?

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