Sunday, January 27, 2013

chante kantamwa in Creole?

Kantamwa, from French quant à moi (I for one, as for me)

In Creole, people who chante kantamwa, are  people who are always thinking of themselves.

1. Misye gen senkantan.  Li abite ka manman l toujou.  Li poko menm reyalize anyen nan lavi li, men li toujou ap bat lestomak li, ap chante kantamwa!
     The guy is fifty years old.  He still lives with his mom.  He hasn't done anything in his life yet, but he's always beating on his chest, saying me this me that!

2.  Moun k'ap chante kantamwa pa janm prè pou aprann nan men lòt moun.
     People who are always saying me this me that are never ready to learn from other people.

Othe uses for KANTA (as for) in Haitian Creole.

3. Lè w vwayaje Ayiti ou te mèt manje preske nenpòt bagay, men kanta pou salad kri, pa manyen sa ditou.
    When you travel to Haiti you may eat almost anything, but as for raw salads, don't even touch that.

4.  Tout moun ap viv yon vi pezib nan zòn nan, men kanta pou pèp nan zòn sid yo, yo toujou sou lagè.
     Everyone is living a peaceful life in this area, but as for the people on the south side, they always fighting.

5.  Ou te mèt sòti ak nenpòt moun ou vle, men kanta pou misye, bliye sa!
     You may go out with anyone you please, but as for him, forget about it!

Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English Words

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