Thursday, January 31, 2013

How does one translate 'matter' as a verb? "You matter to me a lot." Also, how to translate these expressions? "it doesn't matter" and "no matter"

to matterkonsekan, gen konsekans, gen valè, vo anpil, konte, enpòtan, peze

You matter to me.
Ou konsekan pou mwen.
Ou gen konsekans pou mwen.
Ou gen valè pou mwen
Ou vo anpil pou mwen
Ou konte pou mwen
Ou enpòtan pou mwen.
Ou peze anpil nan balans mwen.

It doesn't matter → Sa pa fè anyen, li pa enpòtan see link It doesn't matter

It doesn't matter if you forgot to bring your own food today.  We'll share.
Sa pa fè anyen si w bliye pote manje pa'w jodi a.  N'a pataje ansanm.

It doesn't matter who you are in here.
Li pa enpòtan ki moun ou ye isit la.

No matter what/who/where Kèlkeswa See link Kèlkeswa

Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English Words

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