Tuesday, January 29, 2013

I was wondering if you knew any places where I could find lyrics for Haitian songs. I want to know the lyrics to Sa Bel by Tropiciana and also maybe Decide'w.

Try Zouker.com or even Top Mp3 lyrics.com - You might get lucky with a Creole song.

Sa bèl
Gade kijan w ale kite m
Pou yon flannè ki sot New York
Li te di l’ap marye avè w
Ou te konprann se verite
Li pase yon fo ak sivil
Aprè lindemyèl li ale
Li pa janmen dòmi reve w
Kounye a ou santi w dezole

Jodi a ou vin mande m tounen
Mwen pa ka fè anyen pou ou
Se pou konnen lè w gen menaj
Menm si lòt moun ap fè w pwomès
Se pa pousa pou w kite l
Moun nan ka bezwen pwofite w
Li bay Bondye san konfesyon
Kou l fin twouve w li pati, l kite w

Sa bèl, sa bèl!
Ou gen menaj, ou soufri avè li
Demen nou vi marye
A wi sa bèl o!

Fòk ou pran tèt ou ti cheri
Pa chache yon fòtin rapid
Ou gen menaj ou, kenbe l
Pa koute nèg k ap vin fè w pwomès
W ap mennen avèk menaj ou byen
Ou kite nèg la vin tante w
Kou l fin konnen w, li kite w
Jodia gade ou nan lari

Nan chache fòtin lavi
Gade ou pèdi chans ou ti manman

Nan chache fòtin lavi
Gade ou pèdi chans ou ti cheri

Decide w
Gen lontan m'ap travay
Mwen santi m pa nòmal
Graje kò m pou m kanpe
Sèl mwayen k'ap soulaje m
Se sa k ap fè m byen
Pwoblèm founi nan kò m
M'oblije pran yon lòt dyob
Mizik se pasyon mwen
Se liyè kò mwen ke m renmen
Sonje, m mwen jan avè w
Sipòte mwen toutpatou
Menm si kè m pa kontan, 
Santiman m toujou menm jan
Si w renmen m, banm kouraj, pou m travay
Sonje byen, cheri, mizik se vi mwen

Si m gen fanm mwen
Li pa renmen kote m'ap travay la, li pa bezwen marye
decide, l'a fè sa l vle

Cheri, ou pa bezwen ban m pwoblèm tout tan
Mwen vle, ou vle,  nou vle
Se antant tout tan

Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English Words


  1. That first one is kind of spiteful. Definitely not the prophet Job writing that one.

    1. The writer sounds like he was hurt (possibly by a woman who left him for another man). I guess he took his guitar and penned down whatever he was thinking :)

      Haitians "oldies" musical groups (like Tropicana, Bossa Combo, D.P. Express, Althiery, Issa El Saieh, etc...) are mostly revered by the older Haitian generation. Some people consider their words golden :)

      If you ever listen to some Konpa music, it seems that it's the music that counts, not the lyrics.

      And on that same note, if you listen to Coupe Cloue, you'll wonder how Haitians are legally allowed to play some of his musics in Tap-taps and public places where kids can hear them.

      Chapo byen ba!
